Confessions III

Dear Sister,
I now know how difficult
I once was for you –
working with children
changes your perspective.
I must confess
that I am sorry
for throwing my doll at you,
for yelling
when you curled my hair
the wrong direction,
for poking at our brother
until his rage appeared,
for making up songs
the whole ride home,
and asking you to stay and play
instead of going to the movies
with your friends.
Feel free to drop your kids off
at any time.


  1. I've recently reconnected with my oldest sister. When mom wasn't home, she was the one I turned to as a child. I remember her covering for me when I broke something or washing my clothes for me when I spilled so that Mom wouldn't scold me. However, as anyone with kids knows, children are not always angels, and this poem provides solid examples of that. Regardless, I'm grateful for the love I received from her at such a young age, and I'm proud to see her raising a family of her own - a group of siblings who will experience much of the same fondness for their brothers and sisters as I have.

  2. love you! made me cry and remember the life we lived. I'm so glad we reconnected. the journey to it sucked. husband being fired, life turned upside down, but God did something beautiful with it <3


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